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  3. BBA International Food & Agribusiness


Do you know that the Netherlands is the second largest exporter of agricultural products? And do you know that feeding more people is one of the large challenges the world is facing? Get educated on how to develop international future food solutions by transforming global food systems within the heart of the Dutch agricultural expertise. In the English-taught Bachelor’s programme International Food & Agribusiness you will become part of the solution. Our mission is to inspire you to drive change in global food and agri systems. We equip young professionals from across the globe with key knowledge and skills; in an international setting with students from all over the world.
Bachelor of Business Administration
Start date
Study duration
4 year
Learning path

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I am convinced that IFA was the best choice for the holistic approach I was looking for in a business degree.
Student International Food and Agribusiness

During your study

From production to consumption, the International Food and Agribusiness programme brings the whole international food chain into focus. You will learn more about circular processes, new business models, legislation, marketing and personal leadership. EXPERIENCE IT!


Year 1

This year provides the basis and facilitates your orientation. Given the final qualifications and the study programme's educational vision, this year is divided along four focus areas:

  • Focus on primary production which includes soil and breeding knowledge, always in the wider perspective of the environment and sustainability topics; courses include primary production and biobased economy.
  • Focus on food and food systems which includes knowledge of (sustainable) value chains, nutrition, and final food products. Courses include intro food and global food systems.
  • Focus on international agri-business which includes knowledge of the business environment and internal dynamics, marketing strategies/tactics, business economics and business development. Courses include agri-food business and business economics.
  • During the programme we focus on the development of your skills as well: value based leadership, creating change, doing research and project management. Courses include personal development and the 9-week internship that concludes your first year.
Year 2

The second year adds more depth and is focused on application of knowledge and developing your skills further. This is achieved by extending your knowledge on your domain track (primary or food), gaining further insight into food systems, circular economy and (agri-food) business. Within the courses you explicitly apply theory and skills through multiple projects you will execute; which will allow you to connect theory to your (future) work field. You will continue to develop personal leadership.

Courses are focused on business (strategy, marketing, management, organisation, financials, operations, entrepreneurship) as well as circular economy, food governance and extension on sustainability.

During the second year students will go on an international study trip. In the past we visited for example Indonesia, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, and Sicily.

Year 3

The third year is all about strengthening your profile: get to know the (international) professional field and put the acquired knowledge and skills into practice. You may do this in a 20-week internship, and you may choose a 20-week minor to develop further. The minor can be done at the HAS or another Dutch/international university (of applied sciences). The aim is to spend 50% of this year outside your home country.

Year 4

Your last year starts with the 20-week IFA specialisation: Future Food Systems. In this specialisation all topics from your International Food & Agribusiness programme come together; for example, you will define a future proof system for an organisation. You conclude your bachelor programme with a 20-week professional assignment: this is your graduation assignment. HAS will arrange this assignment for you. Within a project team (2-5 people) you will work on a key objective/issue for an organisation. Next to that you will conclude your personal IFA portfolio with an interview that wraps-up 4 years of personal leadership and skills development.

Curriculum overview

The curriculum shows you exactly which subjects you will study. On an average study week, 30% of the time is allocated for contact hours. The other 70% are for self study and projects.

You can download the curriculum below.

Curriculum International Food & Agribusiness

Download the factsheet

Top-rated programme

The English-taught Bachelor’s programme International Food & Agribusiness was voted as Top-rated programme in 2025! This seal of quality is based on student satisfaction surveys by Keuzegids Hbo. International Food and Agribusiness received this top-rated status also in 2023 and 2024.

Student satisfaction (NSE score 2023)

  • 3,8/5
    Satisfaction with the study programme
  • 4,3/5
  • 4,1/5
    Connection to the workfield
  • 3,9/5
  • 4,1/5
    Engagement and contact

Good to know

International Student Association

The International Student Association strives to make all students feel at home in
‘s-Hertogenbosch and create a network of friends that will last a lifetime.

Throughout the year ISA organises social and educational events related to the food industry. The association aims to stimulate students to mingle across various studies and creates an environment for cooperation and philosophical conversation while having fun.

Follow what our ISA students are up to via Instagram @isahasdenbosch

Disability support service

HAS green academy strives to assist students with disabilities to be able to successfully obtain and complete the education of their choice. Our definition of a disability is a physical or mental impairment which may have a delaying effect on a person’s study progress.

We advise (prospective) students with disabilities to timely request an admission interview (BEFORE the summer holidays). During this interview, the type and implications of the disability are discussed. Study competence in relation to the disability will also be talked about. Finally, any adjustments and facilities the student may need during his/her study will be specified to make sure HAS green academy can deliver them.

Request disability support service

About 3,800 students study at HAS green academy in 's-Hertogenbosch. The building has modern and innovative facilities on its own complex, such as a Food Technology Centre, a greenhouse, laboratories, a technical hall, school garden, climate chambers and more. HAS green academy doesn’t have student rooms on campus.

Student city 's-Hertogenbosch

's-Hertogenbosch, or simply Den Bosch, is a very attractive city in the Netherlands. This is not just according to the people in Den Bosch, but various surveys also show this. It’s a perfect place for shopping, offers excellent food in every price range, is a great place to go out and is almost at the top of the list when it comes to theatre, films and festivals. Additionally, two fun student associations are linked to the HAS: Gremio Unio (GU) and Ichtus. In other words, you’ll never be bored in Den Bosch.

Studying in 's Hertogenbosch
New students

The academic year 2025-2026 starts on Monday 1 September 2025.

More information will be added to this page when available.

Information for new students

#StudyOrientation #Events

After your study

DO IT! As a generalist with a broad view of the entire agri-food system, you as will bring specialists together as a linking pin. Whether you end up working for a large- or small-scale organisation, in a multinational or family business, you will connect multiple domains within the agri-food sector. And you will find the key to make this sector more sustainable.

Your career

Account/Business development manager
CSR/Sustainable sourcing manager
(Inter)national entrepreneur
Export/Trade manager
Business consultant/advisor

#Graduated #CelebrateIt

Continue studying


Examples of post-graduate master programmes:

  • Agricultural sciences (in Germany)
  • Agricultural economics (in Germany)
  • Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture (at Wageningen University)
  • Development and Rural Innovation (at Wageningen University)
  • Environment and development (in Denmark)

The relevant educational institution determines whether you are admissible for the master programme. HAS green academy has no participation in this.

Facts & figures 1,5 year after graduation

  • 73%
    Good foundation to start in labour market
  • 86%
    Connection to labour market
  • 12,5%
    Unemployment rate
  • 27%
    Doing a master
  • 3778
    Gross monthly salary
  • 71%
    Career opportunities
  • 36%
    Would choose the study programme again

Curious about other English taught courses with business?

  • Horticulture & Business Management

    Bachelor of Science
    Study duration
    4 year

    Do you like to investigate the optimal growing conditions for tomato cultivation? During the English taught bachelor programme Horticulture and Business Management, you will work in open and closed cultivation, discover new innovations within the sector and apply your knowledge in practical situations.


Before applying for the study programme International Food & Agribusiness, check out the admission requirement, language requirement and course choice check below.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements

The admission requirement for this 4-year bachelor programme is a secondary school diploma, equivalent to the Dutch HAVO diploma, with the final-year subject mathematics.

Your diploma and transcript of records, uploaded by you in Studielink, will be used to assess the level of your diploma.

You may check the Country Module for your country of origin at www.nuffic.nl to assess how your secondary education diploma is valued in The Netherlands.

Language requirement

If your previous education was not completely taught in English, you also need to be able to prove that you are proficient in the English language. HAS green academy accepts the following language tests:

Deadline to prove English language proficiency 1 juli


  • Exemption English language test 
    International students are exempted from having to take a mandatory language test in case  the student obtained a diploma of secondary education in a country listed in the diploma list drawn up on behalf of the associations of institutions of higher education, as published on the website of the Code of Conduct
Requirement British students

GCSE in at least 4 subjects (grade A-C) and GCE with at least 2 subjects at advanced subsidiary level (in 6 different subjects).

Specific requirements

  • Mathematics should be at least GCSE level


  • BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (sector Land-based and Environment)

Please note that we always need to assess the value of your diploma. Nuffic will check your diploma for authenticity and academic level.

No mathematics in your final year?

If you are deficient in Mathematics as an international student you have the opportunity to participate in an online Mathematics deficiency test of HAS green academy. You will receive more information about the test from the International Office if you are deficient.

Test dates:

  • 5 March 2024
  • 16 April 2024
  • 14 May 2024
  • 18 June 2024

Once you start the test you will have 1 hour to complete it. You need a reliable internet connection to take the test. Costs of the test are €35,-. You will need to pay this fee at least 1 week before the start of the test. Please note that you can only take the test once, there is no re-take possibility.

Please note that after you have passed the deficiency test you will not receive a diploma or certificate. To pass the test you need to have obtained at least 5.5 points on a scale of 1-10. If you pass the test, you will meet the admission requirements of HAS green academy and will therefore be admitted to the programme if you also meet all other admission requirements. The results of the test cannot be used to meet the admission requirements at other universities in the Netherlands.

If you want more information about the deficiency test please contact our International Office.

International Office
Study choice check

Get off to a good start with the study choice check!

Students wishing to enrol in the International Food & Agribusiness study programme must take part in a study choice check.

  • Check if you meet the admission requirement and language requirement
  • You can find all information about enrolment on our how to apply page
  • Once you have submitted your registration request we will send you an invitation for a study choice check

This will provide the basis for the study choice recommendation we will send you.


You can register for the Bachelor’s study programme International Food & Agribusiness at HAS green academy in 's-Hertogenbosch (CROHO number 39281), via Studielink. You must complete your application before the 1st of May, in order to have admission right. Please note: now there are different application deadlines for EU-students and Non-EU students. See 'Application process' below for explanation.

Application process

You can register via Studielink from October 2024. You must complete your application before the 1st of May, in order to have admission right (if you meet the admission requirements).

You will find more information about Dutch CROHO accreditation on the website of the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). 

Step by step

Create a studielink account

You can set up a Studielink account via www.studielink.nl and log in directly.

NOTE: If you are a Dutch citizen or have a Dutch Citizen Service Number (BSN), use your DigiD code to log in.
If you are a Dutch citizen or have a Dutch BSN and do not yet have a DigiD, you should apply for one here. You will find your BSN on your passport or Dutch ID card.

When using Studielink for the first time, we recommend you look at the Studielink Help section.

Register via Studielink

Once you have chosen your study programme and have set up your Studielink account, the next step is to complete your registration via Studielink by filling in your personal data.

The CROHO number (from the Dutch Central Registry of Higher Education Programmes) for your chosen study programme International Food & Agribusiness is 39281

Upload required documents

We will send you an email containing a personal link taking you to a web-based application with instructions on how to upload the required documents.

You need to upload the following documents within 4 weeks after your registration in Studielink, ultimately before the 1st of June: (If you apply after 1 May, you need to send us all required documents within 72 hours after registration)

  1. A recent passport photo in colour (scanned as separate .jpg file, 3x4 cm, 200x300 pixels, max. 50 mb, 200 DPI, we cannot use a photo in pdf file)
  2. A copy of your valid passport or ID card (front and back)
  3. A copy of your Dutch residence permit (if applicable)
  4. Your curriculum vitae
  5. A copy of your list of marks (If you have not yet graduated, you need to upload a list of marks including your results so far)
  6. A certified copy of your secondary school diploma or other prior education diploma or certificate (The certified copy of your secondary school diploma is required, but may be uploaded later if you have not yet graduated).
    Deadline: Before 15 August.
    Important: please specify the exact name of your diploma in the title of the scanned document
  7. Your IELTS/ TOEFL / Cambridge ESOL test results (The test result is required, but may be uploaded later if you have not yet obtained it.
    Deadline: Before 1 July. 
    Important: This is not applicable if you have completed your entire prior education in English or if you have obtained a diploma of secondary education that is listed on the Diploma List)

If you can’t provide us with a certificate of your language proficiency due to the Corona-crisis before 1st of July, please inform us on international@has.nl.

Once you are admitted: pay tuition fees

Before you can start your study programme at HAS green academy, you will need to pay your tuition fees.

If you are an EU student you can submit an authorisation for direct debit via Studielink from 1 June. You need to set up the Direct Debit before 1 July.

If you are a non-EU student you will receive an invoice by email together with your (provisional) admission letter.

You can find more information about tuition fees and other costs, as well as information on payment details on our Payment of tuition fees page.

Financial matters
Practical preparations

Once you are admitted you can start your practical preparations, for instance:

  • Looking for a place to stay? More information can be found at the Housing page. 
  • Preparing the documents for your visa application (if applicable). More information can be found on our Immigration formalities page

Note: The International Office will contact you before the summer holidays with up-to-date practical information on:

  • Welcome Days (mandatory for all new full-degree international students)
  • Registering in the Netherlands
  • Academic Calendar
  • Required literature and requirements for your laptop


Can I visit HAS green academy?

Yes, if you are interested in the various English-taught Bachelor study programmes we offer, you can visit HAS green academy amongst others during our Open Days. Information can be found on our website in the Study events section.

Is this programme available online?

No, at HAS green academy we don't offer online programmes.

I'm not sure which study programme suits me best. What can I do?

We would like to help you in choosing a study programme that suits you best. At HAS green academy, we offer various study events to make the right choice. For example, you can visit our Open Days. Check out or Study events section for more information.

Does HAS green academy arrange a room for me?

HAS green academy has no on-campus accommodation. Under certain circumstances, we are able to help 1st year international students on English study programmes to find a room for the 1st year of their studies. Please check the information under 'Studying in 's Hertogenbosch'

What are the costs for living in the Netherlands?

We have made an overview for you to get an idea of the costs for studying in the Netherlands, including living expenses such as rent, food and public transportation. You can find it under 'Financial matters'.


  • Den Bosch

    Onderwijsboulevard 221
    5223 DE 's-Hertogenbosch


    088 890 3600

    Exterieur HAS Hogeschool

    Den Bosch