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Partner institutions for exchange

HAS green academy collaborates with international partner institutions on a number of initiatives, such as student exchange, staff mobility and teaching mobility. HAS green academy is a medium sized university of applied sciences. Students can easily find their way around at HAS, and the cities of Venlo and ‘s-Hertogenbosch. HAS is an informal organisation and students can easily approach lecturers and staff members. The institution has a very friendly and supportive learning environment.

Furthermore, HAS is well connected with the work field. Students go on field trips and visit companies and projects that are related to the course they are taking. These activities are always extremely well received by all of our students.

Students from our partner institutions can find information on our exchange programmes here.

Staff mobility

We also welcome lecturers and staff members from our partner institutions. Download the overview of courses for which we would be delighted to receive you as a guest lecturer.

We are also open to suggestions regarding other topics, so don’t hesitate to propose a teaching unit within the relevant area of study. If you are interested in visiting HAS within the framework of staff mobility, please let us know at studentexchange@has.nl

Exchange partners

Erasmus+ exchange partners

HAS participates in the Erasmus+ programme. With partner institutions from the EU/EER, we have established Inter-Institutional Agreements that reflect the details of the collaboration.

Erasmus+ exchange partner institutions


  • Fachhochschule Joanneum 
  • Fachhochschule Upper Austria


  • University College Gent - School of Arts
  • Thomas More Kempen
  • VIVES University College

Czech Republic

  • Mendel University


  • Business Academy Aarhus


  • HAMK University
  • JAMK University of Applied Sciences
  • Karelia University of Applied Sciences
  • Novia University of Applied Sciences
  • Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences


  • Bordeaux Sciences Agro 
  • FranceAgro3 consortium (institutions: Junia, Isara & Purpan)
  • UniLaSalle Terre & Sciences


  • Anhalt University
  • Hochschule Osnabrück 
  • University Rhein-Waal
  • Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University


  • MATE


  • TU Dublin


  • Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology


  • Inland University of Applied Sciences
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Nord University


  • Poznan University of Life Sciences
  • Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences


  • Slovak University of Agriculture


  • Universidad de Almería


  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 


  • Uludağ University
World Wide exchange partners

As well as our partners within the Erasmus+ Programme, HAS green academy also has partner institutions with whom we have settled agreements through Memorandums of Understanding, combined with an Exchange Agreement.

These memorandums contain similar elements to the above-mentioned Inter-Institutional Agreements, but are considered to be a declaration of the mutual intention and willingness to further elaborate collaboration. The Exchange Agreement contains the actual agreements relating to the exchange.

World Wide exchange partner institutions


  • University of the Fraser Valley
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • University of Prince Edward Island

South Africa

  • Stellenbosch University


  • Bern University of Applied Sciences


  • Kasetsart University

United Kingdom

  • Harper Adams University

United States

  • SUNY Cobleskll
  • University of Florida

Contact persons @ HAS for exchange

Each study programme has its own designated internationalisation coordinator, who is responsible for the coordination of various types of international collaboration and the activities in their study programme. This includes maintaining and strengthening relations with international partner institutions. Internationalisation coordinators cooperate with the Education, Research and Quality Department, which is responsible for the management of partnership contracts and international mobility flows of students and staff at a central level.

Interested in a partnership?

If you are interested in an exchange partnership with HAS green academy, please contact the Education, Research and Quality Department at studentexchange@has.nl to be connected with the right international coordinator(s).