Currently, strawberries and cucumbers are quite trending crops. So it’s no wonder that the students decided to work on that. “We started at the end of August,” says Nicole Kuleshova, one of the students partaking in the project. “The main goal has always been to keep the crop healthy. It may sound easy, but it was a big change for us. We have always had support from teachers and other greenhouse people. We have never been alone in that kind of work. This year, it was different because we had to make cultivation decisions ourselves, which is even more challenging when you are doing that in a big, international group.”
“It was a challenge to get our plan going,” says Sonia Carmen Morar, another student from the project. “You don’t only have to be knowledgeable about the crop, but you also have to know how to work with others. We started having meetings, making an agenda, so that everyone knew what was going on.”