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Teacher Story Isabella

My name is Isabella Visschers and I have been working as a Plant lecturer at the HAS since 2020. Initially at location Venlo, but since recently I can be found in Den Bosch.

Working with students

After studying Biology at Radboud University, I did my PhD on thrips resistance in paprika's and pepper. An enormously educational time during which I also spent several months doing research in Thailand and India. During my PhD trajectory, I had the opportunity to supervise several students. Besides my PhD project, I also worked at the Radboud University's Pre-University College of Science (PUC). Within PUC, I provided guest lectures and practicals for secondary school students in the field of plant physiology and ecology. I always found supporting students' growth and development to be very enjoyable work. This is therefore an important reason why I eventually came to work at HAS.

After my PhD, I started working at Botany in Meterik, where I enjoyed working as an entomology project leader for several years, but where I really missed the connection with students. So in 2020, I joined the HAS as lecturer/advisor Plant in Applied Biology.

I am currently working in Den Bosch at the 'Tuinbouw en Akkerbouw', Horticulture & Business Management, and Applied Biology programmes. At all programmes, I am involved in plant education for all four years. I also coach a number of students and am a member of the Education Committee of 'Tuinbouw en Akkerbouw'/Horticulture & Business Management.

Why work at HAS green academy?

The approachability and commitment of colleagues towards each other, but also towards students, create an amazing atmosphere at HAS. Even though I work for different courses at the same time, me and my colleagues know how to find each other quickly. Just walking up or down a floor to coordinate something is no problem. Students also regularly walk into the staff room to ask questions.

The enormous amount of knowledge and expertise among colleagues and the projects we run in close cooperation with the business sector make the HAS an environment in which you continue to learn, even as a lecturer. Essential for lifelong development!

Daring to aim for what you really like is something that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Work satisfaction

The diversity in my work is what I love most about my job! The combination of coaching and guiding students, imparting in-depth knowledge, teaching different skills, creating a safe learning environment and my work in the education committee make working at HAS never boring. Because I have to deal with students from all different years and also different courses, I have to adjust my guidance and teaching strategy accordingly every time. A challenge, but it makes my day very diverse.

What I enjoy greatly within my work is seeing the development students go through. This can be in the relatively short term, such as during a graduation assignment, but also over the entire HAS period of coaching students. As a teacher, you are supportive in the learning process, but ultimately it is the student who has to do it. I can therefore be enormously proud of what students manage to achieve within HAS.

Tips for students

Dare to depart from the path you initially set out on if it later turns out that it does not suit you after all. During your studies, you will learn a lot about yourself and you may come to new insights. Aiming for what you really like is something that will benefit you for the rest of your life.