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Admission and preparation

Before you can apply, make sure you meet the requirements set by the Bachelor programme of your choice.

Learn how you can still apply for one of the Bachelor programmes should you not meet the admission requirements directly. And how to prepare yourself for your studies at HAS.


Choose between our two English Bachelor programmes and check if you meet the admission requirements. You can find the admission requirements on the study programme pages. For both English- thaught programmes there are requirements regarding the English language and Mathematics. In addition, for the Horticulture and Business Management programme you need to have a Chemistry proficiency.  

If you do not meet the requirements directly, HAS green academy offers tests to show that you have the required skills. 


Language test

If your previous education was not completely taught in English, you need to be able to prove that you are proficient in the English language. HAS accepts the following language tests:

IELTS (Preferred) 
Academic programme: 6.0 (overall band score) 
Find a test centre near you! 

Internet-based test: 80 
Computer-based test: 213 
Paper-based test: 550 
Find a test location near you! 

Cambridge ESOL Certificate: B2 
Find a test location near you! 

Deadline to prove English language proficiency 1 juli

Exemption English language test
International students are exempted from having to take a mandatory language test in case  the student obtained a diploma of secondary education in a country listed in the diploma list drawn up on behalf of the associations of institutions of higher education, as published on the website of the Code of Conduct. 

Mathematics and/or Chemistry test

If you are deficient in Mathematics and/or Chemistry as an international student you have the opportunity to participate in an online Mathematics and/ or Chemistry deficiency test of HAS green academy. You will receive more information about the test from the International Office if you are deficient. 

The test costs €35,-. You will need to pay for this test within 2 weeks after you received your conditional admission letter. Please note that you can only take the test once, there is no re-take possibility. 
Please note that after you have passed the deficiency test you will not receive a diploma or certificate. To pass the test you need to have obtained at least 5.5 points on a scale of 1-10. If you pass the test, you will meet the admission requirements of HAS green academy and will therefore be admitted to the programme, if you also meet all other admission requirements. 

Test dates:

  • 18 February 2025
  • 11 March 2025
  • 15 April 2025
  • 13 May 2025

If you want more information about the deficiency test please contact our International Office.

Preparing for your studies at HAS

You will need to register and apply for your study programme of choice before the 1st of May. We advise you to use the months of May and June to get ready for your studies at HAS by preparing the necessary documents for your visa/permit, finding yourself a room in or near 's Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch), etc. Find a checklist for all your necessary preparations below. 


Before you come to the Netherlands

Apply for grants and scholarships

Apply for possible grants and/or scholarships for international students. Please visit www.studyinholland.nl to see which ones are available to you.  

Also, ensure that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your studies. Find more information about the costs you will encounter during your studies under 'financial matters'. 

Financial matters
Prepare the necessary documents

These include visa/permit documents and documents for your registration at the municipality in the Netherlands.  

Visa/ permit 

To enter the Netherlands for study purposes, nationals from most NON-EU countries need an entry visa. Once in the Netherlands, a residence permit is often required. It proves that you are residing legally in the Netherlands. You are obliged to obtain a residence permit if you are a citizen of a non-EU / EEA country and you would like to stay in the Netherlands for a period of more than three months. You also need to make sure your passport is valid for the time that you’ll be staying in the Netherlands. 

After your admission at HAS green academy, it is time to start your visa application. The International Office has developed a visa fact sheet where you can check whether you need a visa and/or residence permit. It also shows which steps you should take in order to apply for these documents. Please visit our page called Immigration for this. 

Registration at the municipality 

If you will be living in the Netherlands for more than 4 months it is mandatory to register at the municipality where you are going to live. On our Immigration page <link> you will find the documents you need for this process. You will need to bring these from your home country. The registration itself is done after your arrival in the Netherlands. 

Find accommodation

Find accommodation by making use of our Accommodation Mediation Service (available from June 1) for rooms in ‘s-Hertogenbosch or find your own place to live. The Accommodation Mediation Service is a service from our International Office in cooperation with Student Rooms Brabant (online platform with student rooms) and BrabantWonen (housing agency).  Through this service we offer accommodation for your first year of studies ór your exchange period. If you book a room/studio through our service, you will receive a rental contract with a fixed period. Furnished rooms with shared facilities cost approximately € 475/month and furnished studios with private facilities approximately € 625/month. 

Check Studying in 's Hertogenbosch for more information about this service or to inform yourself on housing in the Netherlands and useful websites should you want to look for a room by yourself. 

Arrange insurance

Are you sufficiently insured? If not, make sure to arrange your healthcare (and other) insurances. During your studies in the Netherlands you need to make sure you are well insured for: 

  • Health care (mandatory by law) 
  • Liability 
  • Legal assistance 

For EU- students 

EU-students are recommended to check whether their current insurance covers their stay in the Netherlands and whether or not they need an additional insurance. With a so-called European Health Insurance Card (which you can often get from your health insurer) you are covered for basic health care in the Netherlands. 

Please be aware that this does not necessarily mean that (all of) the costs are covered by your own health insurance. Please check this carefully with your own health insurer. 

If you do not have an EU health insurance card, you must have private health insurance. 

For non-EU students 

If you are a non-EU student, HAS green academy applies for an insurance on your behalf that covers health care, liability and legal assistance for the 1st year of your studies. After the 1st year it’s your own responsibility to take out adequate insurance. 

Please note the contract can be terminated (and refunded) if you find a paid internship/job that requires other insurance by law. 

For all international students 

International students who have a paid internship (only when receiving a salary of at least the Dutch minimum wage) or have a part-time job are required to take out Dutch public health insurance. If you do not take out Dutch public health insurance while you should, you risk having to pay a penalty. 

Please note that international students who do not have a paid internship or a part-time job are not allowed to take out Dutch public health insurance. HAS green academy cannot be held liable if a student/trainee does not have (sufficient) insurance cover. Every student enrolled at HAS is expected to have fulfilled the insurance obligations. 

Want to know more about insurances? Check out the website Study in Holland. 

Pay your tuition fees

To enrol as a student at HAS green academy, you need to pay a tuition fee. Find out the amount of the tuition fee and how to pay on our page with information for new students.

After arrival in the Netherlands

Attend the HAS Welcome days

Each year the International Office of HAS green academy facilitates the Welcome Days for you as a new international student. 

This day is mandatory for incoming international full-degree students. It is not mandatory for incoming exchange students, but we highly recommend all students to participate in the Welcome Days. 

During the Welcome Days we will help you with: 

  • getting to know your new class-mates,  
  • taking care of administrative matters,
  • informing you regarding practical matters,
  • informing you about visa application (only for Non-EU students).

Find out the dates and programme of the Welcome Days on our page with information for new students.

Register yourself

Make an appointment to register at a Dutch municipality. For ‘s-Hertogenbosch you can fill out a form online. After you have filled out the form, the municipality will contact you to schedule an appointment to complete your registration. 

Also, register your Dutch address in Studielink. And fill in your personal information in our Emergency Database. In case of an emergency we can contact your emergency contacts. 

Furthermore, register yourself at a general practitioner and dentist. 

For non-European students: Pick up your residence permit (you will receive an email when it is ready and where to pick it up) and send a copy of the frontside and backside to international@has.nl. 

Open a Dutch bank account

After you have registered yourself at the municipality and you have applied for a citizen service number (BSN number), you can open a Dutch bank account with a bank of your choice.

Questions about application and admission?