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    3. Erasmus plus


    Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Funded by the European Union, the programme facilitates the international mobility of HAS students, lecturers, researchers and staff in Europe. Erasmus+ helps to improve cooperation between higher education institutions.

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    Working for a better world at HAS green academy

    HAS green academy is a university of applied sciences and centre of expertise for agriculture, food and the living environment, based in Den Bosch and Venlo. We've been addressing the world of tomorrow for 75 years. Around 3,300 full-time students study 18 higher professional education (HBO) study programmes, two of which are international. Students collaborate with fellow students from day one on current issues affecting companies and organisations. HAS green academy trains them to become enterprising and open-minded professionals.

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    3. HAS Expo 2023 (1)

    HAS Expo 2023

    Discover the talent of our HAS students! This digital exhibit shows how our students use their talent to contribute to the solutions for sustainable food production, climate-robust landscapes and healthy living environments, among others.

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    3. HAS Expo 2023 (1)
    4. HAS Expo - Animal


    Within the animal theme, we show graduation projects that focus on various topics such as farmhouse climate, feed intake, grazing, closing cycles and the reduction of ammonia and methane emissions.

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    4. HAS expo - Business & Entrepreneurship

    Business & Entrepreneurship

    On this page, see all graduation projects that focus specifically on business and entrepreneurship within the fields of agro, food and living environment. Think: digitalization, revenue models, certification and exploring new markets.

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    3. HAS Expo 2023 (1)
    4. HAS Expo - living environment and nature

    living environment and nature

    On this page we show graduation projects that focus specifically on the theme of habitat and nature. Subject-specific selections can be viewed: Environment & Landscape, Water and Agriculture & Biodiversity. Please mind that almost all posters are in Dutch.

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    Privacy statement

    Stichting HAS Opleidingen / HAS Education Foundation (hereafter: HAS green academy) respects the privacy of students, course participants, members of staff, prospective students, prospective course participants, visitors and professional partners involved in the education, research, knowledge transfer and company training at HAS green academy. We only process personal data that is necessary for the proper execution of our tasks as a Dutch institute of higher education.

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    The information provided by HAS green academy on this site does not constitute an offer or recommendation.

